SEGA is currently having another location test today in Tokyo, Japan where the game has been spotted at Hi-Tech land Sega Shibuya Sega Tokyo Dome City Sega Shinjuku Kabuki-machi. Many skilled HotD players in Japan on Twitter have play tested the game and shared new details on the latest version of the game. Hit the jump to check out what changes were made for House of the Dead Scarlet Dawn.
Credits: @GUNHEAD3745, @saltysnow510, @harashow0604
- Aime cards, Banapass available
- Achievement System is introduced
- Purchase of sub weapons with coins saved during the game.
- The type of sub weapons has increased considerably
- The branch of of Chapter 1 became to be able to choose 3.
- The Mystery Man’s name is revealed
- Fat, Muscular (assuming Simon and Samson type zombies) endurance was considerably lowered
- Difficulty of partner rescue is reduced
- Zombies on the four wheel bike boarding is still stiff
- BGM when the game is over, the route map is revived
- New creatures (Guitarist Zombies, Ninja Zombies, and Rats)
- Weapons can be selected even in Normal Mode
- Ranking was divided by for one and two players
- No change in image color
- No aiming setting mode
- Life Recovery can be obtain with a rank of A+ or higher and can be also selected with sub weapons selection
- Boss Battles: The Chariot, The Kraken, and the final boss
- *Possible Ending Spoiler* The Curse of the Taylor Family, Ryan at the end of a fierce battle.
- Multiple Endings are available depending on score
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