In the upcoming Famitsu magazine, Rikiya Busujima, a deadly Japanese AMS agent from Zombie Revenge, is set to appear in Namco Bandai’s Project X Zone along with other well known Sega characters, Sakura Shinguji and Akira Yuki. I kinda had a hunch he would be picked as a playable character ever since Bruno Delinger from the Dynamite Deka series (Die Hard Arcade and Dynamite Cop) was announced. Will he be able to grasp his enemies with one hand and cut enemies with his tornado elbow attack? Looks like we’ll have to wait and see. Project X Zone is set to be released on October 11, 2012 for the Nintendo 3DS and is a Japan exclusive. Perhaps a huge petition can break this. Do you want Project X Zone to be released in the west?
Source: Andriasang